OIG – Ocean Innovation Group GmbH

Imagine a bin, but on the ocean.

The Ocean Innovation Group's goal is to set new standards for ghost net and macro debris removal in our oceans. To achieve this goal, we have developed a technology that can be used on all ocean-going yachts - all without further polluting the environment or leaving a CO² footprint.

The CleanSeaPod is a CO²-neutral transport system that uses the combination of current and wind. It can transport a large amount of waste from heavily polluted ocean gyres and river deltas to collection areas. At these sites, the waste can be recycled in existing processing plants. We do not want to hide the fact that there are still far too few plants of this kind and will never get tired of talking about this issue.

Functional principle of the CleanSeaPods

Would you like to support us on this project?

Contact us or donate directly to the association.
Please also feel free to express your wish for a donation receipt!

Bank: Commerzbank
Account holder: TOR (The Ocean Rescue) e. V.
IBAN:                   DE50 7834 0091 0850 0886 00
